
Balaji School of Nursing has the highest record of imparting quality education and enabling the students to acquire the quality of "Caring with compassion". Nursing is an Art and Science. This means that a professional nurse learns to deliver care tactfully with compassion, caring and respect for each client’s dignity. As a science, Nursing is based upon a body of knowledge that is always changing with new discoveries and innovations. When nurses integrate the Science and art of nursing into their practice the quality of care provided to clients is at a level of excellence that benefits clients in innumerable ways. It is an exciting time to become a Professional Nurse. The opportunities for a nurse are limitless. A new professional nurse may choose any number of careers including clinical practice, education, research, management, administration and even entrepreneurship. The highly qualified and motivated professionals provide the skills and knowledge needed to the students to meet the challenges of today. We provide the outstanding facilities and help the students to achieve greater academic success. The ladder of achievement of curriculum is planned in a way that all the potential and inherent talents of the students are developed to make them full-pledged individuals of the society. I wish them all the success and bright future Mrs. Manju Dhillon Principal Balaji School of Nursing

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